Guide of Bogor City in Indonesia 2023

Tourism guide for Bogor city in Indonesia

Geographical Location

Bogor City is located about 59 km south of the State Capital of Indonesia, Jakarta. This distance can be reached about 1.5 to 2.5 hours trip by Electric Train (KRL), bus, or private vehicle. Not too long, huh? No wonder that many residents of the capital who fled to tourist attractions in Bogor and surrounding every weekend and during the holidays.

Where is Bogor City located

Meanwhile, Bogor Regency is located around Bogor City. The area is very large, reaching 2 thousand km2 more. There are only 40 districts with varying heights, from low, medium, to high. No wonder that this district has a very diverse tourist destinations.

Climate and Weather

It is located at the foot of Mount Salak and Mount Gede makes the city of Bogor is very rich in rain orograph or mountain. The percentage of rainfall in this city reaches even 70% in a year.
In the dry season too, the rain sometimes still down. No wonder the nickname of the City of Rain is very attached to it. Typically, the peak of the rainy season occurs in December and January.

The air itself is quite cool with an average temperature per month of 26 C. However, the humidity reaches 70% so it makes us easily sultry and sweating, especially before the rain falls.
Meanwhile, in Kabupaten Bogor, the temperature of the air is more varied due to the height of the place is different. For Peak or other highlands, the air will feel cooler.

Interesting Culture

Visiting tourist attractions in Bogor and surrounding areas is incomplete if not at once recognize the culture. Bogor Regency and City itself has several unique cultures that are rarely found elsewhere.

Ngumbah Tugu Kujang One in Bogor

Ngumbah Tugu Kujang One of the unique culture is Ngumbah tradition (washing) Tugu Kujang which is done every commemorate the anniversary of Bogor City which falls on June 3rd. This tradition has been running since 1990. Usually, about 30 participants from various quarters will stay and set up a tent around the area of Tugu Kujang. Why stay? Because it takes about 5 days to wash, remove the moss, to repaint the monument as high as 26 meters. Palace for the People (Istura) Commemoration of Bogor City Anniversary is also enlivened with Istura event. As the name suggests, in this event the Bogor Presidential Palace will be open to the public. Not only can you admire the palatial Palace, you can visit the Museum of Presidency of Indonesia in Balti Hall to know more about our presidents. Although his own birthday falls on June 3rd, the schedule of Ngumbah Tugu Kujang and Istura can be different every year. But usually, not far in the range of May – July. Other Interesting Culture In addition, there are still a series of other interesting culture that can be enjoyed both in the District and the City of Bogor. Like Ngubek Situ Gede, Seren Taun, Helaran, etc.


Bus If there is no car or motorcycle, you can go there by bus. There are many direct route to get here. Starting from Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, until the bus cross Sumatra. Ticket prices vary depending on the bus that is climbed and the distance traveled. For Transjakarta Integrated Bus Ferry (APTB) from Jakarta to Bogor in 2017, the tariff is Rp16,000. If from Bandung, you can take the MGI or Bela Utama bus that passes the Cipularang toll road. Both depart from Terminal Leuwi Panjang Bandung to Terminal Baranangsiang Bogor with tariff Rp70.000. Baranangsiang itself is the main bus terminal Bogor located in the middle of the city. However, not all buses stop here. There is also a laid off passengers at Terminal Bubulak, Ciawi, or Tajur.

KRL and Railway

There is another easy way to get to the City of Rain for those who do not have a private vehicle, namely to ride the Commuter Line KRL. KRL serves the route from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek). If you take a train from outside Jadetabek, go down in Jakarta at Senen Station, Gambir or Jatinegara. Just buy another ticket to ride the KRL to Bogor Station with a price around Rp6.000. In addition to KRL, there is a Pangrango Train for you coming from Sukabumi. It serves 3 Sukabumi –Bogor trips a day. The average travel time for one trip is 2 hours 4 minutes. Ticket prices start from Rp50,000 for executive class and Rp20,000 for economy class. Aircraft Want to get on a plane? The closest airport from here is Soekarno-Hatta Tangerang. To get to the city of Bogor, there is a DAMRI bus that operates every 20 minutes. Schedule his final departure at 12 pm. The stop is not far from Baranangsiang Terminal, which is in the shelter next to Mal Botani Square. Ticket rates Rp55.000 for regular air conditioning and Rp75.000 for Royal Class. Places Of Interest Popular Bogor Tourist attractions in Bogor and surrounding areas are numerous and varied. There are natural attractions, museums, modern, religious, children, until culinary. One day alone would not be enough to surround all these places. If the first time planning a tour of Bogor and confused where to go, some popular destinations below can be your choice.

Bogor Botanical Garden

Botanical Garden in Bogor City in Indonesia

Established in 1817, KRB is the third oldest botanical garden in the world. There are many things that exist in this area of 87 hectares. Among them is the giant orchid Grammatophylum speciosum which holds the Guinness Book of Record record. Namely as the highest orchid in the world reaches 7.5 m.

In addition, there are still more than 12 thousand other plant collections. Including carrion flower, the oldest oil palm tree in Southeast Asia, lychee tree that has existed since 1822, etc.

There is also a beautiful red bridge KRB but also full of myths. Reportedly the hell, couples who pass this bridge will break up love.

Although it sounds creepy, this destination is still suitable kok used as a tired release for urban residents. Sure, your eyes will be cool to see hehijauan everywhere.

Suitable also if you come with family or small children. Because it is vast, children are free to run. But, of course still in the supervision so let me not stray.

Bogor Presidential Palace

Not far from the KRB, there is the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Indonesia which is also mandatory you visit. This palace is unique and different from 5 other Presidential palaces.
Not just in terms of history and culture. But also because of the presence of deer in the yard.
The deer was first imported 1808 ago from Nepal. Initially, the deer are kept only 6, but breed until reaching the 800s at the beginning of 2017.

Presidential Palace in Bogor

The deer itself seems to have become a spectacle and often approaches the fence. Residents around and tourists often feed this deer from the outside. To go inside, you do need to ask permission to the Head of Household Presidency first. Or, you can wait for Istura event to be held.

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